Lieutenant Wolf

Title: Lieutenant Wolf, Shifters Unlimited: Clan Black Tales Book 1Series: Shifters Unlimited: Clan Black TalesRelease Date: Feb 26, 2019Genre: mystery / suspense, paranormal, paranormal romancePages: 116ISBN13: 978-1-937080-17-4ASIN: B07NGRRN5TBuy the Book:...

Dragon Rider’s Gift

Title: Dragon Rider's GiftSeries: Dragon Rider Trilogy #1, Portals of Destiny #1Release Date: April 17, 2012Genre: fantasy romance, mystery / suspense, paranormal romanceISBN13: 978-1-937080-14-3ASIN: B007VG8ZU8Add on GoodreadsBuy the Book: AmazonThree souls. Two...

Blood Oath

Title: Blood Oath, Shifters Unlimited Beginnings Book 1Series: Shifters Unlimited Beginnings #1Release Date: 9/26/17Genre: paranormal, paranormal romancePages: 210ASIN: B0768PBRBPAdd on GoodreadsBuy the Book: AmazonHow fast can you outrun death when it has you by the...


Title: HiddenSeries: Shifters Unlimited: Clan Black #1Release Date: 4/28/14Genre: mystery / suspense, paranormal romance, shifterPages: 234ISBN13: 978-1-937080-15-0ASIN: B00K08OOV8Add on GoodreadsBuy the Book: AmazonLife on the run is about to end with a sniper’s...

Betrayal’s Shadow

Title: Betrayal's ShadowSeries: Guardians of Eden #1Release Date: April 14, 2011Genre: paranormal romance, thriller, urban fantasyPages: 338ISBN13: 978-1-937080-00-6ASIN: B004WPNQRSAdd on GoodreadsBuy the Book: Amazon, Barnes & NobleWhat would you do to save...