Title: Dragon Rider's Gift
Series: Dragon Rider Trilogy #1, Portals of Destiny #1
Release Date: April 17, 2012
Genre: , ,
ISBN13: 978-1-937080-14-3
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Three souls. Two hearts. One courageous calling.

Compulsion to find his dragon and save his people rules Roark's life. Yet, nothing has prepared him for the ultimate bond fate will demand.

Born with the power of prophecy, Princess Nira endures visions forecasting an invasion against her people. All she knows for certain: the foretold battle ensures either a victorious future or a crushing defeat.

An ancient dragon of mythical power, Kraz has eluded capture for a thousand years. However, saving his dragon race might just be worth an eternal bond to a warrior rider.

Winner of the 2013 Readers Crown Award for best Sci-Fi, Time Travel, Fantasy Romance Category

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