X For Writers

KH Articles

Notable Links for Writer Helps by other authors

Rachel Aaron’s Blog Post: How I Went From Writing 2,000 Words a Day to 10,000 Words a Day. This is a wonderful for process as well as methodology to increase your daily word count.

Jim Butcher Blog/Forum for Writers (listed in the order he posted): 

Pacing/Story Arc – Wonderful 5 minute video by the Penny-Arcade on pacing using Star Wars. This is targeted toward video game developers but the approach is the same for designing a fictional story.

So you Want to be a Writer? Advice to a 10-year-old – Good advice on the Writer Life from comic book writer Ron Marz

Writer’s Must Kill Self-doubt Before Self-doubt Kills Them – Great advice from Chuck Wendig’s blog

Eisley Jacob’s blog: Indie-Bound Wrap Up – Over two weeks of folks around the indie publishing industry posting their insights and findings to help other indie authors.

  • Day One: Indie Author: Denise Grover Swank and Indie Editor: Jim Thomsen – Importance of an editor
  • Day Two: Indie Author: Breanna Teintze – What’s it like being an indie author? Like being a traditional author, only more so.
  • Day Three: Indie Author: LK Gardner-Griffie – Her story about the Indie Road
  • Day Four: Indie Author: Anne Riley – Interview (Agent to submission to indie)
  • Day Five: Indie Author: Deborah Riley-Mangus – To Be or Not To Be?
  • Day Six: Indie Author: Heather McCorkle – From agent to submission to indie
  • Day Seven: Indie Author: Jolyn Palliata – The Stigma of Self Publishing
  • Day Eight: Indie Author: Trish McCallan – Hard Choices
  • Day Nine: Branli Caidryn – Going rogue! –err Indie
  • Day Ten: Jeena Papaadi – Writes and gives a few pointers about her indie experience.
  • Day Eleven: Claudie H. Christian – 5 things a NYT bestselling author will tell you about publishing after a few shots of tequila
  • Day Twelve: Kristie Cook – How I decided to go Indie.
  • Day Thirteen: Cassandra Marshall – Talks about the importance of an editor
  • Day Fourteen: Donna and Alex Carrick – Chat about books, e-books and the changing publishing industry.
  • Day Fifteen: Penny Holguin – It’s not called failure, it’s called experience!
  • Day Sixteen: Megan Curd – Interview about her book BRIDGER and her upcoming releases.
  • Day Seventeen: Icy Sedgwick – Publishing with an Indie Small Press

 Corgis for those who love them:

Just for fun and because I have several writer friends who fit this! 🙂
