I’ve added some links and pictures below for readers with interest in some of the factual locations in the Portals stories. Enjoy and if you find other links or pictures please feel free to send a note and share.
The Isle of Staffa -Basalt cave and all, a fascinating view and the pictures that launched the story.
Entrance to Fingal’s Cave
This photo of Isle of Staffa is courtesy of TripAdvisor
Inside Fingal’s Cave:
This photo of Isle of Staffa is courtesy of TripAdvisor
Glengorm Castle
Built in 1860, Glengorm Castle sits at the headland of Mull’s western side. It is a family owned and full functioning bed and breakfast for travelers who may be interested in staying in a picturesque setting. If you have an interest in more pictures or reservations click on the link.
This photo of Glengorm Castle is courtesy of TripAdvisor
Duart Castle
For history and lore on Duart Castle you can go to their official website. Some people may recognize the castle from film as it was featured in both the movie Entrapment with Catherine Zeta Jones and Sean Connery, as well as When Eight Bells Toll with Anthony Hopkins. And for the die-hard fantasy buff (no pun intended) it was featured in some of Buffy the Vampire Season Eight.
This photo of Duart Castle is courtesy of TripAdvisor
From Explore Scotland.net (http://www.explore-isle-of-mull.co.uk/standing-stones-mull.htm) “The three stones at Balliscate formed a stone row, confirmed during an excavation in September 2005. A team from Manchester University excavated an area surrounding the stones which revealed that the original position of the recumbent stone was equidistant between the two upright standing stones. In addition to this the stump of a fourth, smaller stone was uncovered in peat to the north of the row, which appears to have been broken at some point in history. Near to the base of this stone, a small cremation burial was discovered.”
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